Refund Policy

We work to provide the most hassle-free buying experience. You are covered and your money is safe. Your entire order amount will be refunded at the time of cancellation.

The order may be cancelled before first shipment due to any of the following reasons:

The order could not be shipped within the specified timeline.
On customers request
The shipping address is not serviceable.
Any other reason beyond the control of the merchant.
Refund Process:

Please connect with the via email.
Our team will validate the request by checking the timelines, product type, etc and shall take the request for refund or exchange
Refund Timelines:

Pay mode Refund Mode Refund from the date of cancellation of order
Credit Card Credit Card 10-15 Working Days*
Net Banking Bank Account Online Transfer 10-15 Working Days*
Debit Card Bank Account Online Transfer 10-15 Working Days*
COD -Cash On Delivery Cheque 15-20 Working Days*
Demand draft/ Cheque Cheque 15-20 Working Days*

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