The first look of superstar Rajinikanth’s next film titled ‘Darbar’ was released with the poster indicating that the AR Murugadoss directed flick could be a cop film. The poster carried a catchy punchline “you decide whether you want me to be good, bad or worse,” and was splashed with paraphernalia attached to the police, including an IPS shoulder pin, a handcuff, a couple of guns and a police dog. Besides, it features a spectacled and bearded Rajinikanth.
The first look also carried what seemed to be the Gateway of India in Mumbai, hinting that the story might be based in the western metropolis. Murugadoss’ earlier action flick ‘Thuppakki’, starring top actor Vijay was based in Mumbai. This is the first tie-up between Rajinikanth and Murugadoss, whose last venture ‘Sarkar’ with Vijay in the lead had kicked up a row over the depiction of the ruling AIADMK’s freebie schemes in an alleged bad light. Anirudh is scoring the music for the film, his successive outing with the superstar after the hit ‘Petta,’ whose songs went on to become chartbusters. Nayantara is playing the leading lady in the film, which is produced by Lyca Productions. ‘Darbar’ would hit the screens for Pongal (January) 2020.