
USHIO Europe is heavily investing into the future of speciality lighting – new factory opened in Poland

Pass, October 20, 2017 USHIO Poland officially opened the doors to its new factory in Pass, just outside of Warsaw last month.The new building has a production area of 5,000 square meters and dwarfs its predecessor which housed its production…

Movers and Shakers: Latin American (LATAM) Cinema Chain MUVIX To Add First MX4D Motion EFX Theatre in Chile

Santiago based Muvix plans a three theater deal with MediaMation, Inc. beginning in 2018 SANTIAGO, CHILE, OCTOBER 26, 2017 – Muvix, a sister company of Cine Star, announces plans to open three MX4D Motion EFX Theatres beginning June, 2018. The…

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